– An introduction to our firm

YHA Law Firm

Yew Huoi, How & Associates (“YHA”)是一家杰出的马来西亚本地律师事务所,致力于为每位精明的客户提供最佳的法律服务。 我们精通海事,企业,公司事务,商业和保险等核心领域。 我们得到客户的信任,以最节省时间和成本的方式解决他们最复杂的法律问题。 我们的事务所致力于与客户合作,将客户的业务提升到一个新的水平,长以达到服长期务客户的法律需求。 我们珍惜并享受与客户的长期合作关系。 我们提供具有前瞻性,长期和可行的法律解决方案,而不是短浅的的解决方案。






身为一位顾问, 律师兼谈判者, 我们会持续为客户找寻最有利于客户的成果。与此同时,我们将维护正直,正义。


事务所重视与客户保持沟通及保密客户的隐私, 本所律师均有丰富经验也能迅快地了解客户问题的核心所在可展现高度效率 并 提供相关实用法律意见, 效力维护客户的利益及解决问题为客户省下时间和成本。


秉持着 「客户至上维护法制、专业操守、坚守诚信、职业伦理 」 的核心理念, 获得客户的信赖及信心,这让本所带来持续的收益奠定了坚实的基础持续成长及提升价值。


法律是多层面及複杂的、律师是知识服务者。 除了拥有处理各种案件的经验我们也始终一贯地不断通过学习以提升获取更多的法律知识, 本所秉持着为客户提供高水准有品质的服务及专业法律意见。





YHA律师事务所的律师对客户非常有耐心和专业。 他们也非常乐意为客户在交易后遇到任何问题提供帮助。 强烈推荐。
Gan Chun Siang
YHA帮助我们扩展业务的过程中一直在帮助我们建立文档流程。 在此过程中,他们一直非常耐心,随时准备为我们提供合适的法律建议。 他们还具有前瞻性思维,以确保我们知道可能发生的任何隐患。
Dwi Emas
Kelvin Tong


In a legal spotlight, X’s acquisition of a cloned vehicle unknowingly, due to lapses in the Road Transport Department’s record-keeping, raises questions about statutory duties and public trust. The case underscores the importance of stringent vehicle registry maintenance to prevent ownership of unlawfully modified vehicles.

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The dismissal of X by Company ABC, citing economic downturns, presents a compelling case on the complexities of employment termination and retrenchment legality. X contested his redundancy, claiming his role in property management and services was unaffected by the property development market’s challenges. This case probes into the legitimacy of retrenchment under economic duress and the employer’s duty to act in good faith, as guided by Section 20(3) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967. The burden rests on Company ABC to prove the necessity and genuineness of X’s redundancy, with failure to do so possibly leading to a verdict of unjustified termination. This scenario underscores the critical importance of evidence and intention in retrenchment cases, as reflected in precedents like Akilan a/l Subramanian v. Prima Awam (M) Sdn Bhd.

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In the realm of Malaysian property transactions, the intricacies of Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) and the enforcement of Liquidated Ascertained Damages (LAD) play pivotal roles in safeguarding the interests of both developers and purchasers. This article delves into the legal framework governing the rights and obligations of parties involved in property transactions, particularly focusing on the consequences of contractual breaches and the conditions under which a purchaser can exercise the right to offset against LAD. Through the examination of relevant case law and statutory provisions, we illuminate the legal pathways available for resolving disputes arising from the failure to adhere to the terms of SPAs, thereby offering insights into the equitable administration of justice in the context of Malaysian property law.

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In cases of compulsory winding up, the court would appoint a liquidator under s.478 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”) to expeditiously recover and realise the assets of the wound-up company for the distribution of dividends to creditors and administer any outstanding matters involving………..

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This excerpt illuminates the foundational principles of judicial review as outlined in Order 53 of the Rules of Court 2012. It highlights the criteria for challenging public decisions on grounds of illegality, irrationality, or procedural impropriety. Central to the discussion is the question of timing in judicial review applications, particularly in cases of procedural unfairness. The practical scenario underscores the significance of a “decision” by the relevant authority as a prerequisite for locus standi, drawing insights from the case of Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuad & Ors [2023] 12 MLJ 714.

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This legal updates explore the principles governing the interpretation of agreements, emphasizing the importance of clarity and unambiguity in contractual terms. It delves into a key issue involving restrictions on remedies for breach of contract, shedding light on the court’s commitment to upholding plain meanings. The illustrative scenario involving shareholders X and Y dissects a pertinent clause, showcasing the delicate balance between restricting remedies and ensuring fairness in legal proceedings.

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