– An introduction to our firm

Firma Guaman YHA

Yew Huoi, How & Associates (“YHA") adalah salah sebuah firma guaman tempatan di Malaysia yang berdedikasi ke arah memberikan perkhidmatan undang-undang terbaik kepada setiap pelanggannya. Kami berpengalaman dalam sektor teras maritim, korporat dan urusan yang melibatkan syarikat, komersial dan insurans. Kami dipercayai oleh pelanggan kami untuk menyelesaikan masalah undang-undang mereka yang paling rumit dengan menggunakan kaedah yang paling menjimatkan masa dan kos. Syarikat kami berdedikasi untuk bekerjasama dengan pelanggan kami dalam usaha membina dan memajukan lagi perniagaan pelanggan kami ke tahap seterusnya kerana visi kami adalah untuk berusaha memenuhi keperluan undang-undang pelanggan kami untuk jangka masa yang panjang. Kami amat menghargai hubungan jangka panjang pelanggan kami. Di firma ini, kami menawarkan penyelesaian yang progresif, jangka panjang dan berkesan, dan bukannya pendekatan yang kurang efektif atau pandangan pendek.

Our dedication for excellence has earned the trust of our clients.

Kami dipercayai oleh klien
kami untuk menyelesaikan
masalah undang-undang
mereka yang

YHA pakar dalam bidang-bidang berikut. Peguam kami juga berpengalaman dalam semua bidang litigasi sivil dan jenayah.

Kenapa pilih kami?

Berdikari, berintegriti dan adil

Sebagai penasihat, peguambela dan juga perunding, kami akan sentiasa berusaha untuk menemukan hasil yang berkesan dan menguntungkan klien kami. Perkhidmatan ini akan dilaksanakan dengan penuh integriti dan adil.

Penyelesaian yang menjimatkan masa dan kos

Firma kami tidak sama sekali terdorong dengan perbuatan yang melibatkan ketidakjujuran, penipuan serta penyalahgunaan dalam menjalankan tugas kami.

Pembangunan mampan

Kami menawarkan pendekatan undang-undang yang praktikal supaya masalah tersebut dapat diselesaikan dalam kadar segera ataupun dalam masa terdekat.

Peningkatan profesional

Sebagai ahli profesional yang terpelajar, kami terus meningkatkan pengetahuan undang-undang, terlibat dalam pembaharuan undang-undang dan pendidikan undang-undang. Obsesi kami terhadap peningkatan kualiti membolehkan kami untuk memberi nasihat kepada klien kami tentang selok-belok undang-undang yang rumit.

Pasukan Kami

Rakan Pengurus

Kami diamanahkan oleh klien kami untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang rumit yang dihadapi oleh mereka dari segi undang-undang.

Apa Kata Pelanggan Kami

YHA Law Firm's Lawyer were very patient and professional with their clients. They're also very willing to help when the clients faced any problem after the transaction. Highly recommended.
Gan Chun Siang
The team at YHA has been instrumental in helping us put in place our documentation process as we are scaling up our business. In the process, they have been very patient and ever ready in giving us sound legal advises. They are also forward thinking in making sure that we are aware of any implications that may occur.

In a nutshell, they've been very helpful and accomodative to our requests. We highly recommend their services to our business partners, associates, friends and family
Dwi Emas
YHA Firm's lawyers not only willing to take over my case with less than 3 days to trial but managed to lighten the air within minutes with both the opposition and the judges with their friendly, fast thinking and great sense of humor.
Kelvin Tong

Berita Terkini

In a legal spotlight, X’s acquisition of a cloned vehicle unknowingly, due to lapses in the Road Transport Department’s record-keeping, raises questions about statutory duties and public trust. The case underscores the importance of stringent vehicle registry maintenance to prevent ownership of unlawfully modified vehicles.

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The dismissal of X by Company ABC, citing economic downturns, presents a compelling case on the complexities of employment termination and retrenchment legality. X contested his redundancy, claiming his role in property management and services was unaffected by the property development market’s challenges. This case probes into the legitimacy of retrenchment under economic duress and the employer’s duty to act in good faith, as guided by Section 20(3) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967. The burden rests on Company ABC to prove the necessity and genuineness of X’s redundancy, with failure to do so possibly leading to a verdict of unjustified termination. This scenario underscores the critical importance of evidence and intention in retrenchment cases, as reflected in precedents like Akilan a/l Subramanian v. Prima Awam (M) Sdn Bhd.

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In the realm of Malaysian property transactions, the intricacies of Sale and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) and the enforcement of Liquidated Ascertained Damages (LAD) play pivotal roles in safeguarding the interests of both developers and purchasers. This article delves into the legal framework governing the rights and obligations of parties involved in property transactions, particularly focusing on the consequences of contractual breaches and the conditions under which a purchaser can exercise the right to offset against LAD. Through the examination of relevant case law and statutory provisions, we illuminate the legal pathways available for resolving disputes arising from the failure to adhere to the terms of SPAs, thereby offering insights into the equitable administration of justice in the context of Malaysian property law.

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In cases of compulsory winding up, the court would appoint a liquidator under s.478 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”) to expeditiously recover and realise the assets of the wound-up company for the distribution of dividends to creditors and administer any outstanding matters involving………..

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This excerpt illuminates the foundational principles of judicial review as outlined in Order 53 of the Rules of Court 2012. It highlights the criteria for challenging public decisions on grounds of illegality, irrationality, or procedural impropriety. Central to the discussion is the question of timing in judicial review applications, particularly in cases of procedural unfairness. The practical scenario underscores the significance of a “decision” by the relevant authority as a prerequisite for locus standi, drawing insights from the case of Hisham bin Halim v Maya bt Ahmad Fuad & Ors [2023] 12 MLJ 714.

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This legal updates explore the principles governing the interpretation of agreements, emphasizing the importance of clarity and unambiguity in contractual terms. It delves into a key issue involving restrictions on remedies for breach of contract, shedding light on the court’s commitment to upholding plain meanings. The illustrative scenario involving shareholders X and Y dissects a pertinent clause, showcasing the delicate balance between restricting remedies and ensuring fairness in legal proceedings.

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Sila isi borang dan kami akan menghubungi anda sebentar lagi.

Nota: Maklumat anda adalah sulit dan persendirian tertakluk kepada Dasar Privasi kami.