Family Law


  1. Divorce Proceeding (Disputed and Undisputed);
  2. Nullity & Annulment of Marriage;
  3. Judicial Separation;
  4. Division and Distribution of Matrimonial Assets;
  5. Child Custody, Care and Control;
  6. Child and Spouse Maintenance;
  7. Adoption;
  8. Ancillary Applications Pending Divorce Application;
  9. Domestic Violence;
  10. Injunctions;
  11. Mediation and Settlement Agreement.

Success Stories

Divorce Petition (Single & Joint)
We have by January 2021 successfully completed more than 20 joint petitions for divorce. We had in October 2017 freed our client from her abusive husband by obtaining an injunction and subsequently a decree absolute from Kuala Lumpur High Court in her favour. Our client has succeeded in her claim for, among others, custody of her youngest child as well as maintenance to be paid by her husband on a monthly basis. We have also recently succeeded in obtaining a decree absolute for a client whose wife cannot be found since 2018.

Nullity Petition
We have recently succeeded in obtaining an order for nullity of marriage in Shah Alam High Court for our client who was married for only 2 months.

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